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I HAVE THREE PRAYERS FOR THIS WEB SITE. That the Lord will anoint this site for ministry.
My philosophy is that the Lord gives us ideas, concepts, inspiration (and so forth) in order for us to share it with the body of Christ. Whereas, we all would like to take credit for our unique "anointings" the truth is that the Lord is the giver and we are the receiver. In consideration of that fact, I have chosen to make everything available for anyone. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Freely we have received, freely we ought to give. If this idea suits you, enjoy!
This site is growing every week with more
ministry materials. Use whatever you want. Any of my personal material may be used without obtaining my permission. No restrictions! No copyrights; no pending books deals; no threats of legal action; no obligation. Nothing! Nada! Zip! (Of course, if I've plagiarized something UNINTENTIONALLY and you follow suit, we may both be in hot water! But .... if it's mine, you can have it.